20 December 2015

New Report on ‘Lone Wolf” Terrorists: What We Know From the Literature

December 17, 2015

The Royal United Service Institute (RUSI) in London has just published and released online a new report called Lone-Actor Terrorism: Literature Review. The report can be accessed here.
For those of us who look at terrorism professionally, this study is extremely useful because it reminds us that lone-wolf terrorists have been around for decades before ISIS ever existed. So if you know where to look, there is a fairly rich load of publicly available material about the lone wolf terrorist phenomena, which seeks to understand what drives seemingly normal individuals to commit unspeakable acts of violence on behalf of cause which most of them know little (if anything) about. But the literature confirms what most of us already know - that spotting these people before they engage in terrorist activity is an extremely difficult, if not an impossible proposition.

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